Агентство Лангуст [переход на главную]

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Unit 28. Nouns with prepositions
(существительные с предлогами)

Main points

1. You can give more information about a noun by adding a prepositional phrase after it.

Four men on holiday were in the car.

A sound behind him made him turn.

2. You often use the preposition ‘of ’ after a noun to add various kinds of information. For example, you can use ‘of ’ to indicate:

3. After nouns referring to actions, you use ‘of ’ to indicate the subject or object of the action.

…the arrival of the police.

…the destruction of their city.

After nouns referring to people who perform an action, you use ‘of ’ to say what the action involves or is aimed at.

…supporters of the hunger strike.

…a student of English.

Note that you often use two nouns, rather than a noun and a prepositional phrase. For example, you say ‘bank robbers’, not ‘robbers of the bank’.

4. After nouns referring to measurement, you use ‘of ’ to give the exact figure.

…an average annual temperature of 20 degrees.

…a speed of 25 kilometres an hour.

You can use ‘of ’ after a noun to give someone's age.

Jonathan was a child of seven when it happened.

5. You use ‘with’ after a noun to say that a person or thing has a particular quality, feature, or possession.

…a girl with red hair.

…the man with the gun.

Note that you use ‘in’ after a noun to say what someone is wearing.

…a grey-haired man in a raincoat.

…the man in dark glasses.

6. Some nouns are usually followed by a particular preposition. Here are some examples of:

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